About Me

I am currently a Master Student in the Department of Electrical Engineering at National Tsing Hua University (NTHU), under the supervision of professor Min Sun. Additionally I am serving as a deep learning intern at MediaTek Research. I am proficient in several programming languages, including Python, C/C++, HTML/CSS, JavaScript, MySQL, Matlab, and Shell Script. Additionally, I am experienced with frameworks such as Linux, Git, GitHub, PyTorch, and LATEX.

My research at NTHU focus on data augmentation on panoramic images. I try to solve the scarcity issue of panoramic datas by implementing a brand-new data augmentation that not only fit panoramic images but also enhances dataset diversity. My new paper on this work was accepted by BMVC 2023.

As a deep learning intern at MediaTek Research, Currently, I'm deeply involved in crafting applications that harness accessibility services within the Android platform and LLM. I'm also dedicated to advancing an expansive Chinese language model alongside its related tasks. Furthermore, I've collaborated with colleagues from the Cambridge research team to explore AI-driven methodologies for generating test cases in ASIC design verification.



  • Computer Vision: Real-time Fighting Game

    Develop a two-player fighting game using real-time human pose estimation for avatar control through poses and Utilize GAN-based face morphing for avatars to shift between different looks smoothly.

  • LeetCode

    Solve at least 700 leetcode problems utilizing Python or C/C++, spanning various problem types such as dynamic programming, backtracking, binary search, BFS, DFS, greedy algorithms, monotonic stack, and so on. The solutions for both the latest biweekly and weekly contests are also available here.
    Website Code



  • Deep Learning and Software Intern in MediaTek Research, Taipei, Taiwan

    Dec. 2023 - now
